
This page contains replication data for all of my published work. If you’re looking for data from something that isn’t yet published or if something appears to be missing, please email me.

Nanes, Matthew J (2017), “Political Violence Cycles: Electoral Incentives and the Provision of Counterterrorism.” Comparative Political Studies.

Replication Data (csv)

Analysis Code (do)

Kennedy, Brandy, Adam Butz, Nazita Lajevardi, and Matthew Nanes (2017), Race and Representative Bureaucracy in American Policing. Palgrave Macmillan.

See the codebook for explanation of variable names and codings.

If you use the data, please cite as: Kennedy, Brandy A., Adam M. Butz, Nazita Lajevardi, and Matthew J. Nanes. “Race and Representative Bureaucracy in American Policing.” Palgrave Pivot, 2017.

Note that the data related to “deaths due to legal intervention” (Tables 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6) is under separate privacy requirements imposed by CDC and is not included in the files posted here. Some, but not all, of this data is publicly available and can be found elsewhere online (search for “multiple mortality”). If you need these variables for replication purposes only, please contact Matthew Nanes.

Replication Data Kennedy et al 2017 CITIES

Replication Data Kennedy et al 2017 COUNTIES

Codebook Kennedy et al 2017

Variable names adhere to the following conventions:

  • poffwhite: proportion

  • poffwhite: officers

  • poffwhite: race, also available for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American

  • pcoffwhite: refers to officers in the city’s primary police department only. Otherwise, variable refers to all officers from departments with jurisdiction in the city, excluding state and federal agencies (but including county agencies)

  • poffmale: officer gender, also available for female

Nanes, Matthew J (2019), “Policing in Divided Societies: Officer Inclusion, Citizen Cooperation, and Crime Prevention.” Conflict Management and Peace Science.

Replication CODE – Policing in Divided Societies

Mechanism Survey DATA – Policing in Divided Societies

Officer Demographics DATA – Policing in Divided Societies