
My research covers three related substantive areas:

I also work on methodology surrounding the use of surveys for measuring sensitive topics, both for academic audiences and for practitioners of PVE/CVE.

Please see my cv for a full list of publications.

Policing in Divided Societies

Societies plagued by group-based divisions face a key challenge: how should the police include individuals from each societal group? On the one hand, including individuals from previously marginalized groups in key state institutions might increase attachment to the state and reduce feelings of insecurity, making them less likely to turn to violence. On the other hand, these individuals may use their new-found power to turn their weapons on the state and renew hostilities. 

Selected Publications:

Police Reform

How can the police improve service provision and regain citizens' trust in the face of officer-involved violence and racial disparities in policing? My research explores the practical and political issues of police reform, with examples from the Philippines and the United States. Much of this research was part of the EGAP Metaketa Initiative, a multi-site study that used field experiments to evaluate various aspects of community policing. Other research draws on surveys of Philippine National Police officers sent for retraining following former President Duterte's "war on drugs" to explore political impediments to reform in the face of large-scale scandals.

Working Papers:

Selected Publications:

Terrorism and Global Extremism

Violent extremism is increasingly global. Not only do transnational terrorist groups carry out attacks across borders, but militants pursuing domestic causes also draw on foreign ideas, training, and logistical support to carry out violence. My research explores the micro-foundations of violent extremism, with a particular focus on the transnational mechanisms that underlie attitude formation and the desire to take up arms. My work increasingly looks at violence justified by extremist interpretations of Islam, spanning the Middle East and Southeast Asia, regions which are inexorably linked by both shared religion and mass migration. 

Working papers:

Selected Publications: